AWS CodePipeline vs AWS CodeBuild

January 30, 2022

AWS CodePipeline vs AWS CodeBuild

As software development processes continue to evolve, CI/CD tools have become essential for automating the software delivery process. Two popular tools for implementing CI/CD on AWS are AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild.

In this post, we will provide an unbiased comparison between the two services and help you decide which one is better suited for your organization.

AWS CodePipeline

AWS CodePipeline is a fully managed continuous delivery service. It allows you to automate the release process for your application by automating the build, test, and deployment phases.

Key Features

  • Easy integration with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, Git, and AWS CodeBuild.
  • Integration with third-party tools like GitHub, Jira, and Slack.
  • Built-in support for deploying to Amazon S3, Elastic Beanstalk, and Lambda functions.
  • Provides real-time monitoring of the delivery process, including notifications if a step fails.


  • Easy to configure and set up.
  • Provides real-time monitoring of the delivery process.
  • A wide variety of built-in integrations with third-party tools.


  • Limited customization options.
  • Only supports AWS services.

AWS CodeBuild

AWS CodeBuild is a fully managed build service that compiles source code, runs tests, and produces software packages. It is designed to simplify the build process for AWS applications.

Key Features

  • Built-in support for a wide range of programming languages and frameworks.
  • Integration with popular CI/CD tools like Jenkins, GitLab, and AWS CodePipeline.
  • On-demand scalability to meet your build requirements.
  • Customizable build environments to suit your specific needs.


  • Easy to integrate into your existing workflow and pipeline.
  • Provides flexible and customizable build environments.
  • Support for a wide range of programming languages and frameworks.


  • Limited deployment options.
  • Building can take more time than other similar services.

Which one to pick?

Both services are excellent for automating the software delivery process. However, AWS CodePipeline is better suited for organizations that require a fully managed and automated continuous delivery service. Whereas, AWS CodeBuild provides flexible and customizable build environments that can meet your specific build requirements.

It's essential to understand your organization's requirements before picking one.


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